Fusion Dance Team

What’s the Goal of FUSION?
The goal of this new team is to give your dancer an opportunity to SHINE! At MCDA, we strive to empower confidence while encouraging creativity both inside and outside of the dance room. Fusion is meant to do just that. We want our dancers to radiate their own individual personality and character while representing MCDA! Being a part of the team will allow your dancer to showcase an art form that they love, improving both their dance and social skills.
What’s the Focus?
This team will be focused on Jazz & Hip Hop dance – performing high-energy routines in Medina County and the surrounding area. We want to give our students the chance to put those long hours of practice to good use! While part of our focus will be to highlight MCDA and what we represent, the other part will be focused on giving your children valuable and memorable life experiences. Our focus is your child and providing them with a positive and encouraging space to be comfortable with their body and how it moves.